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Humans of BVM

A Photo Journalism Project Inspired By Humans of New York

"A time that challenged me the most was when my best friend moved away. I've known her all my life and she was a very important part of my life."

-Valencia Corradinl

Photo Journalist: Elie Cajes


"The most challenging moment was when I moved  from elementary school to Palmer Way because I only new one of my friends."

- Jaylene Mecado 

Photo Journalist: Elie Cajes


"The most challenging moment in my life would probably be school because I tend to get stressed on the challenging subjects."

-Tannya Meza 

Photo Journalist: Elie Cajes


"The most challenging moment was when I sang the Star Spangled Banner at my promotion."

- Madison Almodovar

Photo Journalist: Elie Cajes


"The most challenging moment of my life was overcoming anxiety because it discouraged me a lot."


Photo Journalist: Elie Cajes


The most challenging moment was 1 year ago, when I had to make a decision about my friends. I had friends who created a bad impact on me and my behavior. I soon decided I should have friends who support and care about me."

-Ella Morales

Photo Journalist: Elie Cajes


"The most challenging moment of my life was transitioning from elementary school to middle school. I believe that the hardest thing isn't passing your classes, even if they are advanced, but finding your place."

-Yarenni Hernandez 

Photo Journalist: Elie Cajes


The most challenging moment was when I'm assigned a lot of work from my accelerated classes because it can be stressful to complete the difficult assignments in a limited amount of time.

-Denise Wu

Photo Journalist: Elie Cajes


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